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Εορτασμός του Equal Day 2025 στο ΠΤΠΕ του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης

Equal Day 2025

Astronomy for peace

Under the auspices of the Office for Astronomy Education (OAE) of the International Astronomical Union (IAU)

Programme of events of the Department of Preschool Education (PTPE), University of Crete (UoC)

Early morning: With the support of PTPE, kindergartens in Greece are connected with kindergartens abroad. In this connection, the kindergarten children will present astronomy activities, sing songs and exchange greetings and wishes for peace. The following kindergartens are participating:

From Greece:

o 7th Kindergarten of Rethymnon.

o 1st Kindergarten of Perama Rethymnon

o Nursery School of Asopos, Lakonia.

From abroad:

o The kindergartens Panevėžio r. Velžio lopšelis-darželis "Šypsenėlė" and Panevėžio r. Dembavos lopšelis-darželis "Smalsutis" from Panevėžys, Lithuania (with the support of the Educational Centre Panevėžio rajono švietimo centras )

o The 13th and 16th Kindergarten of the city of Târgoviște in Romania (with the support of Valahia University of Târgoviște)


At the Gallos campus of the University of Crete:

Ø  12:00-13:00 Room D7 (in the context of the courses EPA303 & EPA102): online connection with a class of undergraduate pedagogy students in Valahia, Târgoviște (Romania) and talks:

o Maria Amparzaki (University of Crete): Teaching astronomy to young children

o Kyriaki Trichaki (University of Crete): Ah, Moon - and Star! (Emily Dickinson) Music inspired by celestial bodies

o Valentin Grigore from Astronomers without borders, Romania: Elements of Astronomy Literacy for pre-service teachers

Ø  15:00-16:00 New Technologies Room (as part of the seminar SEM219), Online connection with a class of astrophysics graduate students at Istanbul Kültür University (in Istanbul) and talk:

o Papachristou Maria, undergraduate student of PTPE: "Female and Male scientists in astrophysics and space".

Ø  17:30-19:30 DIESTAP Laboratory (in the framework of the course EPA605):

o Michalis Linardakis: Galactic Statistical Controversies: Milky Way or Andromeda, who is more fit to normality?

Ø  19:30-20:30 (weather permitting), in the courtyard of the DIESTAP Laboratory: stargazing with telescopes of the Association of Friends of Astronomy of Crete. Coordinated by Ioannis Papadakis (postgraduate student of the PTPE) and Panagiotis Pantzekos (Professor of Physics, MSc, PE04), with the participation of Andreas Meladakis, Nikolaos Manolakakis, and Nektarios Koukourakis (amateur astronomers, members of the Association of Friends of Astronomy of Crete).

Ø  23:00-24:00: Online

o Participation of the University of Crete in the Equal Day online event.

You are all welcome to our events!

The sky belongs to all of us!


The event is supported by:

Maria Ampartzaki, Associate Professor, PTPE, UoC, NAEC team Greece; Maria Kypriotaki, Associate Professor, PTPE, UoC; Michael Linardakis, Associate Professor, PTPE, UoC; Maria Kreza, Permanent Assistant Professor, PTPE, UoC; Kyriaki Trichaki, EEP of Music, PTDE, UoC; Aysegul Teker Yelkenci, Istanbul Kültür University; Camelia Delia Voicu, University of Valahia, Târgoviște; Renata Jankevičienė, Panevėžio rajono švietimo centras.

Technical support: Nikolaos Kapelonis, ETEP, School of Education, UoC; Rev. Konstantinos Nyktaris, ETEP, PTPE, UoC.


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