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EQuaP: Enhancing quality in early childhood education and care through participation

EQuaP: Enhancing quality in early childhood education and care through participation

What is EQuaP?

About background of the project

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) has become a policy priority in many countries as well as a priority at EU level as pointed out in the Erasmus+ programming documents as well as in the context of logo-erasmusthe main strategic policy document pertaining education (ET 2020).
There are five areas of quality that have been identified by policies for an improved child development:

  •     goals and minimum standards;
  •     curriculum and learning standards;
  •     workforce quality;
  •     family and community engagement;
  •     data, research and monitoring (OECD, 2012).

The main problem that the project EQUAP (project coordinator: SERN) has identified and intends to address stands in the fact that involvement and participation of the parents and carers are scarcely or not sufficiently acknowledged as a key component contributing to quality of the ECEC. Starting from existing quality indicators of participation, improved indicators more effective in terms of measuring participation as a process will be developed. The main long term impact of the project will be an increased awareness and centrality attached to participation of families and carers as a key component enhancing quality of the Early Childhood Education and Care.


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