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Sciences of Education:Religion and Education

The Department of Preschool Education  of the University of Crete in collaboration with the Department of Theology of Aristotele of Thessaloniki operates from the academic year 2020 - 2021 the Graduate Studies Program (MS) entitled "Educational Sciences: Religion and Education", in accordance with the provisions of this decision and the provisions of law. 4485/2017 (A΄ 114).

The proposed Inderdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme aims:


  • To equip postgraduate students (MP) (kindergarten teachers, teachers, theologians, social science teachers, etc.) with the necessary knowledge, experiences and skills that will enable them to pursue professional careers in fields of the labor market, in which Pedagogy or Theology practices are deemed necessary.
  • To staff with professionals specialized in the fields of Theology and Pedagogy, schools, educational centers and other institutions of the public and private sector.
  • To offer the possibility to MFs to critically connect theory, research and practical application, in order to achieve a remarkable professional or even academic career, both in Greece and internationally, and to simultaneously develop practices and techniques with innovative character that promote the possibility of teaching in Primary and Secondary Education of the T.M., as well as changes in the "culture" and reality of education community.
  • To prepare a specially qualified scientific potential that will staff the country's school units in the future and promote research and teaching in Theology and Pedagogy through innovative practices and actions ensured by the broad and high-level curriculum and a interdisciplinary interprofessional approach.
  • To contribute to limiting the leakage of scientific potential to other countries.

Contact details:

*Secretariat of Ιnderdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme  Sciences of Education: "Religion and Education"
Anna-Maria Pavlaki
tel: 28310-77709

Attached Files:
Study Guide (300.41 KB)
Course Outlines (1001.54 KB)
Studies Regulation (280.04 KB)